I believe everyone can live a life of joy, happiness and peace. Many of us just need some guidance in getting there.

Spirituality can be an important part of a peaceful life, and it is definitely something we’ll talk about. However, I see a lot of life coaches who seem to only talk about the “woo-woo” of energetic and spiritual healing. I am very practical, and like to work in the real world.

I understand that you have a job, a mortgage, kids, bills and other responsibilities. I work with you on practical solutions to reduce stress, as well as streamline and find more enjoyment in your life (so you can enjoy those kids, your home, etc. more!)

It's easy for a coach or therapist to say “you need to meditate” or “find more time to relax!” Often this is just adding more to your already-too-long to-do list. I work with you to find actual ways to have more time in your life for the things that make and keep YOU happy.

And maybe you’re still trying to figure out what it is that makes you happy. With different (fun!) exercises I’ll help you discover what happiness looks like for you. No matter how much you might have struggled in the past, I will meet you where you are. You CAN change your life for the better, heal from past trauma, and live a happier and more fulfilled life.

In our society we feel pressure to constantly be achieving and working. But sometimes we are running through life so quickly that we never take the time to ponder how we would really like to spend the time we have here on this earth, and what is truly important to us.

I also work with people to declutter and organize their physical spaces. It is amazing the effect this can have on mental well-being, and on opening up creative energy to help move our lives in the direction we want them to go! I can work with you solely on decluttering, if desired, or in addition to the ‘internal’ coaching.

Whether you want to revamp your whole life, or just find a little more time to do more of the things that bring you peace and happiness, I am here to help you build a happier life!

Your practical and affordable Life Coach

I'm Erin 


From a young age, I’ve had a strong interest in spirituality, the idea of enlightenment and trying to figure out the “meaning of life.” I have devoured all kinds of books on these subjects and attended scores of workshops and seminars.

I have always been the “caregiver” type. I really enjoy helping others overcome obstacles and find their true happiness. Over the years, I have seen many friends through life transitions, new babies, child-rearing issues, post-partum issues, divorces, and blending families.

My father is German, and when I was young we moved overseas several times. I was sent to German schools before I spoke the language. Although it was incredibly difficult, I think it gave me a great deal of empathy for anyone feeling like an outsider or struggling to fit in.

Depression and anxiety run in my family, and I have dealt with both. After my son was born in 2000, I dealt with post-partum and post-weaning issues. It took me some time to recover and I learned a lot along the way. I now feel well-equipped to support others who might be struggling with some of these issues.

When my sister became a single mother of two young children, one of whom was deaf and had profound autism, I supported her and helped her navigate the special-needs world, taking many Signed Exact English classes along the way.

When my son was older I began working as a nanny, and have worked for several different families. In some families the children had various challenges, and I was able to witness first-hand different family dynamics. Through this I learned a lot about what worked (and what maybe didn’t work so well) in helping children thrive and keeping family relations harmonious.

In 2015 I was confronted with some mysterious and challenging health issues. There is nothing like health issues to force you to look at the bigger picture of life. It forced me to slow down and really use some of the spiritual teachings that I had spent so much time delving into.

I have been married to my husband for over twenty-three years. He worked for Amazon for over twenty of those years, dealing with job stress and burnout at different points in his career. I supported him through the many ups and downs during these times. Eventually we were able to make a change and he is now able to do more of what he loves!

After living overseas for two years, I began working on my Master’s in Counseling. It was very eye-opening. It made me better understand why, so often when I went to therapy myself, I felt like the therapist would  try to make my symptoms conform to whatever counseling theory they subscribed to, rather than truly listening to me and working from there. And that’s not to say that I didn’t gain very useful knowledge from my studies, but it all also made me realize that I could help people just as well, and perhaps even better, as a Life Coach. I wanted the freedom to work with people in a way that honors them exactly where they are, and where we work together as a team to make their lives truly what they want them to be. 

I would be honored to work with you to help you become your happiest self!

My Personal Journey

"Anyone would be lucky to experience her gentle, meaningful guidance.."

Erin coached me through a very difficult time—with kindness and compassion and a way of gently nudging you to make the best decisions to achieve inner peace and regain motivation. She was always there, at a time when I felt alone and afraid. Now I’m back to my “old self”—really the best version of my ever-evolving self—excited about my life and the future—with the addition of valuable insights. Anyone would be lucky to experience her gentle, meaningful guidance.

- Anonymous

"I so appreciated Erin’s compassionate and empathetic listening"

I so appreciated Erin’s compassionate and empathetic listening. By holding space and listening, she allowed me to make sense of what was going on in my life. From there I could access my inner wisdom and choose my next steps forward.

- Jean S.

"Erin was a patient listener and allowed me the freedom to express the issues I was facing."

Our first meeting gave me the opportunity to share what was weighing on my mind and Erin allowed me to choose the direction of the session. Erin was a patient listener and allowed me the freedom to express the issues I was facing. All throughout Erin helped me brainstorm solutions so that I could get back on track

- Sally

" She is invaluable at offering sage advice and support."

Before working with Erin I was feeling sad, hopeless, and overwhelmed. In addition to going through a contentious divorce, my young son had severe allergies and other health issues that required a lot of attention and energy. Erin was a wonderful support person and provided practical guidance. She helped me through this period, and I have worked with her since when needing support through other rough patches in my life. She is invaluable at offering sage advice and support. Erin is a pleasure to work with and I highly recommend her!

- Caryn T.

Family time

Outdoor Activities



Some Things That I love

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